A few golf sayings that have been said in rounds over the years, feel free to suggest your own, think we need to add some more topical ones, keep it fresh!
- A Sally Gunnell: Ugly but a good runner
- A son-in-law: Not what you wanted but it’ll do
- A sister-in-law: Up there but I know that I shouldn’t be
- A Condom: Safe but didn’t feel that good
- A George Micheal: Trying to get on the dance floor with an iron
- A Princess Di: Shouldn’t have taken a driver
- A Kate Winslet: A little bit fat, but otherwise perfect
- A Kate Moss: A bit thin
- A Yasser Arafat: Ugly and in the sand
- A Gerry Adams: A Provisional
- An O J Simpson: Somehow got away with it
- A Michael Barrymore: A long iron
- A Russell Grant: A fat iron
- A Louie Spence: An unbelievable iron
- An Arthur Scargill: A great strike but a poor result
- A Ladyboy: Looks like an easy hole but all is not what it seems
- A Saddam Hussain: Go from bunker to bunker
- A Red October: Underwater and you won’t find it
- A Cuban: Ball needed one more revolution
- A Dennis Wise: A nasty five footer
- A Diego Maradona: A very nasty five footer
- An Adolf Hitler: 2 shots to get out of the Bunker
- A Tony Blair: Far to much spin on it
- A Pippa Middleton: You just want to smash the life out of it
- An Elton John – Big bender that lips the rim
- A Gynaecologists Assistant – Just shaves the hole